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Hunters Name
I accept the terms
I do not accept the terms
For and in consideration of being permitted to hunt, fish and/or visit with the Refuge Outfitters for Christ’s Kingdom (The ROCK) on any of the properties they utilize, manage, lease and/or own; Participant hereby executes this Consent and Release to the parties above, their agents, servants, employees and any other persons connected with them in said activities with the ROCK and any other properties they use, lease and/or own, and as against them, voluntarily releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes any and all actions or causes of action for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to him/her arising as a result of engaging in said activity or any activities incidental thereto wherever or however the same may occur and for whatever period said activities may continue, and Participant for himself/herself, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby releases, waives, discharges and relinquishes any action or causes or action, aforesaid, which may hereafter arise for himself/herself and for his/her, estate, and agrees that under no circumstances will he/she or his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns prosecute any of the parties above, or any of their agents, servants, employees and other persons connected with said properties they utilize, manage, lease and/or own, whether the same shall arise by the negligence of any of said persons or otherwise. Participant also agrees for himself/herself, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that in the event of any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death that be prosecuted against the ROCK or any of their agents, servants, employees and other persons connected with the ROCK and any other properties they utilize, lease and/or own, he/she indemnify and save them harmless from any and all said claims or causes of action by whomever or wherever made or presented. Participant acknowledges having read the foregoing paragraphs, that he/she has been fully and completely advised or the potential dangers incidental to the hunting activities, and is fully aware of the legal consequences attendant to signing/executing the Consent and Release.
Signature of Adult Hunter
Clear Signature
I accept the terms
I do not accept the terms
To the use and reproduction by Refuge Outfitters for Christ’s Kingdom, Inc., a Non-Profit organization, of any and all photographs and any other audio/visual materials that are taken of: Client or Sibling/parent/guardian of client for promotional printed material, educational activities, exhibitions or for any other use for the benefit of the program. This consent release applies to all family members & caregivers of this client attending. PLEASE specify if you wish to exclude other family members or yourself and submit as soon as possible, thank you. Your consent allows us to share the joy and spread the great news of how our donators are blessing the lives of your children.
Youth Hunting Participation Agreement
I accept the terms
I do not accept the terms
For and in consideration of being permitted to hunt, fish and/or visit with the Refuge Outfitters for Christ’s Kingdom (The ROCK) on any of the properties they utilize, manage, lease and/or own; Participant hereby executes this Consent and Release to the parties above, their agents, servants, employees and any other persons connectedwith them in said activities with the ROCK and any other properties they use, lease and/or own, and as against them, voluntarily releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes any and all actions or causes of action for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to him/her arising as a result of engaging in said activity or any activities incidental thereto wherever or however the same may occur and for whatever period said activities may continue, and Participant for himself/herself, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns hereby releases, waives, discharges and relinquishes any action or causes or action, aforesaid, which may hereafter arise for himself/herself and for his/her, estate, and agrees that under no circumstances will he/she or his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns prosecute any of the parties above, or any of their agents, servants, employees and other persons connected with said properties they utilize, manage, lease and/or own, whether the same shall arise by the negligence of any of said persons or otherwise. Participant also agrees for himself/herself, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, that in the event of any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death that be prosecuted against the ROCK or any of their agents, servants, employees and other persons connected with the ROCK and any other properties they utilize, lease and/or own, he/she indemnify and save them harmless from any and all said claims or causes of action by whomever or wherever made or presented.Participant acknowledges having read the foregoing paragraphs, that he/she has been fully and completely advised or the potential dangers incidental to the hunting activities, and is fully aware of the legal consequences attendant to signing/executing the Consent and Release.
Clear Signature
I accept the terms
I do not accept the terms
Welcome to the West Side of Wood Ranch (“Ranch”) owned by Patti Wood and 4 Bar W Wood Ranch (collectively “Owner”), and leased to The 1687 Foundation, a Texas nonprofit corporation (“Foundation”) for use in carrying out the Foundation’s tax exempt purposes. I have been given the opportunity to participate in certain educational and recreational activities at the Ranch conducted and supervised by Refuge Outfitters For Christ’s Kingdom (“Charity”). This is a legal document (the “Release”) by which I agree to assume the risks related to the activities at the Ranch and to waive and release all potential liabilities and claims that I may otherwise come to have against the Owner, Foundation, and their directors, officers, members, employees, volunteers, agents, and affiliated persons or entities (“Released Parties”) as a result of, or related to, my presence on the Ranch or participation in all activities on the Ranch, including the operation of golf carts and fishing including use of kayaks (“activities”). In consideration of the accommodations, permission to be on the Ranch, and participation in the Activities on the Ranch, the undersigned agree(s) and acknowledge(s) as follows:
1. Acknowledgement of Risks. I understand that the Activities I may engage in during my stay on the Ranch pose varying degrees of risk. Such risks include the possibility of accidents, illness, injury or death, related to forces of nature, viruses, and other hazards whether manmade or natural. I understand the risks of injury, illness, or death that may be encountered cannot be eliminated even by taking the utmost care. I understand the Released Parties do not have emergency medical services at the Ranch to provide me with assistance if I am injured or become ill, and also that I may incur injury or become ill in a remote location that is not readily accessible to a hospital or other medical facility. I understand the Released Parties are not a guarantor of my safety.
2. Voluntary Participation. My participation in the Activities on the Ranch is purely voluntary and provided to me free of charge by the Released Parties. I acknowledge that the Activities are recreational and educational in nature, and that no one has required me to participate in any such Activities.
3. Assumption of Risks. I hereby knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks associated with or resulting from all Activities on the Ranch. I assume full responsibility for my own conduct and for any injuries or illness that may occur. I assume all such risks without regard to negligence or fault.
4. Waiver and Release of Liability; Indemnification. I unconditionally waive and release, and also agree to hold harmless and indemnify Released Parties with respect to, all actual or potential costs, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses, or claims (including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, court costs and expenses) of any kind, including, but not limited to, those arising from death, illness, serious bodily injury or damage suffered or incurred by me, related to or resulting from any Activities on the Ranch, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, including those resulting from negligence or fault, without regard to any hazards or viruses that may exist, whether hidden or obvious, whether natural or manmade facilities or hazards, even if caused in whole or in part by the negligence of RELEASED parties. I hereby release and waive all subrogation rights against Released Parties and/or their insurance carrier(s).
5. Jurisdiction and Venue. In the event of any dispute that may arise relating to this Release, or the Activities contemplated herein, the substantive laws of the State of Texas (without regard to otherwise applicable choice of law rules) shall apply, and jurisdiction and venue shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Texas.
6. Binding Effect. I represent that I am legally competent to sign this Release, that the terms of this Release are contractual; and that this Release shall be binding on me, and my personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. I understand this is a legally binding document. I understand that signing this document may alter my legal rights in the event of injury, ILLNESS or loss. I have fully informed myself of the contents of this Release by carefully reading it, and I sign this Release voluntarily.
7. No Publicity.I agree that I will not disclose by any means (including social media) the location of the Retreat or the identity of the Released Parties.
I accept the terms
I do not accept the terms
ASSUMPTION OF RISKS AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY Welcome to the West Side of Wood Ranch (“Ranch”) owned by Patti Wood and 4 Bar W Wood Ranch (collectively “Owner”), and leased to The 1687 Foundation, a Texas nonprofit corporation (“Foundation”) for use in carrying out the Foundation’s tax exempt purposes. The minors listed on Annex A attached (“Minors”), have been given the opportunity to participate in certain educational and recreational activities at the Ranch conducted and supervised by Refuge Outfitters For Christ’s Kingdom. This is a legal document (the “Release”) by which you as the parent/guardian of the Minors agree to assume the risks related to the activities at the Ranch and to waive and release all potential liabilities and claims that you may otherwise come to have against the Owner, Foundation, and their directors, officers, members, employees, volunteers, agents, and affiliated persons or entities (“Released Parties”) as a result of, or related to, the presence of the Minors on the Ranch or participation in all activities on the Ranch, including the operation of golf carts and fishing including use of kayaks (“Activities”).
In consideration of the accommodations, permission to be on the Ranch, and participation in Activities on the Ranch, the undersigned agree(s) and acknowledge(s) as follows:
1. Acknowledgement of Risks. I understand that the Activities the Minors may engage in during their stay on the Ranch pose varying degrees of risk. Such risks include the possibility of accidents, illness, injury or death, related to the forces of nature, viruses, and other hazards whether manmade or natural. I understand the risks of injury, illness, or death that may be encountered cannot be eliminated even by taking the utmost care. I understand the Released Parties do not have emergency medical services at the Ranch to provide assistance if the Minors are injured, or become ill, and also that the Minors may incur injury or become ill in a remote location that is not readily accessible to a hospital or other medical facility. I understand the Released Parties are not a guarantor of the safety of the Minors.
2. Voluntary Participation. The participation in the Activities on the Ranch by the Minors is purely voluntary and provided free of charge by the Released Parties. I acknowledge that the Activities are recreational and educational in nature, and that no one has required the Minors to participate in any such Activities.
3. Assumption of Risks. On behalf of the Minors, I hereby knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks associated with or resulting from all Activities on the Ranch. I assume full responsibility for the conduct of the Minors and for any injuries or illness that may occur. I assume all such risks without regard to negligence or fault.
4. Waiver and Release of Liability; Indemnification. I unconditionally waive and release, and also agree to hold harmless and indemnify Released Parties with respect to, all actual or potential costs, damages, liabilities, losses, expenses, or claims (including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees, court costs and expenses) of any kind, including, but not limited to, those arising from death, illness, serious bodily injury or damage suffered or incurred by the Minors, related to or resulting from any Activities on the Ranch, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, including those resulting from negligence or fault, without regard to any hazards or viruses that may exist, whether hidden or obvious, whether natural or manmade facilities or hazards, even if caused in whole or in part by the negligence of RELEASED parties. I hereby release and waive all subrogation rights against Released Parties and/or their insurance carrier(s).
5. Jurisdiction and Venue. In the event of any dispute that may arise relating to this Release, or the Activities contemplated herein, the substantive laws of the State of Texas (without regard to otherwise applicable choice of law rules) shall apply, and jurisdiction and venue shall be in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of Texas.
6. Parent/Guardian. I represent that I am the lawful Parent/Guardian of the Minors listed below, I am legally competent to sign this Release, that the terms of this Release are contractual; and that this Release shall be binding on me, and the personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the Minors. I understand this is a legally binding document. I understand that signing this document may alter my legal rights OR THE LEGAL RIGHTS OF THE MINORS in the event of injury, illness, or loss. I have fully informed myself of the contents of this Release by carefully reading it, and I sign this Release voluntarily.
7. In the event that it is determined that I am not the parent or legal guardian of the Minors, or did not have the legal capacity to execute the documents on behalf of the Minors, then I agree to DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY the Released Parties, if any litigation is instituted, as a result of any injury, illness, or death or claim for damage arising out of, relating to, or in any way connected with the Minor’s participation in the Activities. I understand that this indemnify provision is in addition to (and not in lieu of) any other indemnify provision found in this document.
8. No Publicity. I agree that on behalf of the Minors or myself that I will not disclose by any means (including social media) the location of the Retreat or the identity of the Released Parties.
Date of Hunt
Child Name
Mobile Phone#
Home Phone#
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
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Zip Code
Parent Guardian Name
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Clear Signature